Terms & Policies

Vendor Permits:
Vendors should be displaying:
Vendor ID (Received upon check in for all vendors)
Alameda County Health Permit (food vendors)
Current City of Oakland Business Tax Certificate (all vendors)
Please take a minute to make sure you are in line with all regulations.

City of Oakland rules & regulations:
All vendors must comply with Oakland Municipal Code 8.07 requiring all food service businesses provide disposable food ware that is BPI certified compostable. You can shop for compliant food service ware option at http://products.bpiworld.org/

Please verify you acknowledge that you can be fined by the City of Oakland and KONO if you provide disposable food ware that is not BPI certified compostable including polystyrene and plastic. First Friday food vendors must not leave used cooking oil at the event, they can dispose of used oil at their approved commissary or they can drop it off during regular business hours at EBMUD on 2020 Wake Ave, AC HHW Facility (all of them) or Biofuel Oasis.Please note that starting January 1, 2024 all food vendors at events will be required by state law SB-1383 to donate any edible food leftover after the event. Please consider beginning to donate your edible food now to CityTeam in an effort to feed Oakland’s food insecure populations as well as to reduce waste at First Friday.

Placement reminders:
Vending spaces vary in width but per safety regulations all spaces cannot exceed ten feet in depth. For retail vendors, the ten feet starts at the curb and ends at the inside edge of the parking space. Food booths may use the bike lane area at the rear of their booth for food prep. Sidewalks must be kept clear at all times. ALL VENDORS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE FOOTPRINT UNTIL 3PM.

Rules & Regs:
Please check in at the KONO Booth (2633 Telegraph in front of Sears Lofts) when you arrive and we'll direct you to your space. Oakland First Fridays starts at 5pm and shuts down promptly at 9pm. Telegraph Avenue is closed to traffic at 2pm,
Except for food trucks, no vehicles are allowed in the footprint after 4:30pm.
All sales of food and merchandise must be completed by 9:00pm.
This means your windows are closed and all transactions have ceased. This rule is a condition of our event permit. Vendors who are not shut down by 9:00 may be cited and/or suspended from vending at future events. We are trying to get our hours extended.

NO DUMPING OF WASTE, OIL OR ANYTHING ELSE. All vendors are responsible for their own trash. Trash cans located at your booth should be for your use only. Please encourage attendees to utilize the waste sorting stations throughout the event. Any trash left in your space or on the sidewalk is considered an illegal dump and will result in a $100 minimum fine. Per City of Oakland regulations, your seller's permit, Oakland Business Tax License and Alameda County Health Permit must be displayed in a place visible from outside your truck or tent.

For permitting reasons, we do NOT accept any vendors selling cannabis, cannabis derived products, any other drugs or alcohol. There is no smoking or consumption of alcohol around your permitted vendor booth. Any vendor to be found violating these rules at our event, will be asked to shutdown immediately.

You will be shown your space when you check in at the white KONO tent in front of our office at 2633 Telegraph. To help clear the streets, street sweepers will come in soon after shutdown. Please give them a wide berth. No vehicles can enter the footprint before the street is reopened. You must wait until a staffer, security officer, or peace officer moves the barricades allowing the flow of traffic. If you have any questions, ask a police officer or event staff and security (in day-glow vests). If you have any problems, our staff is on hand to help. They will be at the KONO booth at 2633 Telegraph, and wearing day glow vests throughout the Festival.No-shows and early departures are not entitled to refunds.

Rules on Disposable Food Ware:
We aspire to be a zero-waste event, and the City of Oakland has strict requirements regarding disposable food service ware. Violators are subject to a fine. Below is some info from the City of Oakland web site.
How is the Disposable Food Service Ware ordinance enforced? Patrons and Inspectors report to the City when they see violations.Businesses receive a Notice of Violation and may receive a fine of up to $500.
What does the Disposable Food Service Ware ordinance say? Oakland food vendors may only use BPI Certified compostable food service ware.Oakland food vendors may not use polystyrene foam disposable food service ware.Oakland food vendors may only provide straws upon request (except for to-go service).
Who has to follow the Disposable Food Service Ware ordinance? All Oakland food vendors selling prepared food—including restaurants, delis, fast-food establishments, vendors at fairs and food trucks. All City facilities must also follow the ordinance.
What are BPI Certified compostable food service ware products? Search for products you need at the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) web site. Ask your food service supplier for BPI Certified products. Nooooo Styrofoam!!
We have a team that goes through all discarded items after each event to make sure they are properly sorted. In the past, they sent us this picture, of a bag full of styrofoam containers. These are prohibited by Oakland law, and every violation makes it harder for us to keep the event happening. Vendors who violate this rule risk a citation from the city and a suspension from Oakland First Fridays.
It's better for the planet, AND it's the law. Oakland First Fridays is working to become a zero-waste event, so we will be stepping up our recycling effort. We have partnered with Waste to Zero Waste and will have 3 large clearly marked zero waste stations on 24th, 25th, 26th along Telegraph and are looking for volunteers to help make sure refuse is properly sorted (Sign up to be volunteer here) We ask that vendors take care to dispose of their vinyl gloves in landfill containers, as they are not compostable (hint: black gloves are easier for the team to spot and sort when they are accidentally put in compost).

Event Codes of Conduct:
All festival participants must comply with our event rules and codes of conduct.

Any participants who violate our codes of conduct will be issued a Vendor Violation Warning. Depending on the seriousness of the violation any warning can result in your being suspended from the event.

If you have any questions on the day of the event regarding your booth space, please reach out to:
Blue Vest - Coordinating Staff
Red Vest - Volunteers
Yellow Vest - Security Team
Orange Vest - Heavy Lifters

Rouge vendors are prohibited. If you see anyone setting up next to or around your area, please report it.

Music/Vehicle Set-up In Booth:
Amplified sound is not permitted in vendor and food areas (our permit covers stage areas only). Music at conversational level is acceptable as long as it does not interfere with other activities, and must stop if you receive complaints from neighbors, security or staff.

External power sources such as batteries and generators must be approved by event staff. If you use a generator you are required to have a 20 lb. fire extinguisher with valid inspection tag.

Fire Extinguishers:
If your business is a food booth, the fire department requires you have an ABC fire extinguisher for wood and paper or a K fire extinguisher for frying on location at the festival. This is for food booths only. All other food vendors are not required to have a fire extinguisher.

Preparation For Your Booth Space:
The vending fee covers your reserved booth space only. You are responsible for bringing your own equipment (e.g. lights, tables, tents, chairs, batteries, tarps, etc.), though we may have some available to rent or purchase. Since the event will go into the night for at least two hours, we recommend you bring battery-powered lights for your booth set-up. Please note, the use of gas powered generators is restricted and you must obtain prior approval to use them. Please refer to the Generators section.

Walk-Up Vendor Policy:
If our event is not SOLD OUT, we allow retail vendors to sign up for an available space at our check-in booth between 3pm-3:45pm. PLEASE NOTE: We require proof of up to date business license and seller's permits. There is a $50 walk-up fee added to the initial vendor fee. If you are registered in our system but did not pay, you will be considered a walk-up and the walk-up fee will be applied. Due to permitting reasons, we are not allowed to accept walk-up food vendors.

Cancellation/Refund Policy:
You must cancel by 3pm Monday before the event, to be eligible for a full refund.
You must cancel by 3pm on Wednesday before the event, to receive a credit towards the following month.
If you cancel after 3pm on Thursday, you will not receive a refund OR credit.
**All food vendors must give notice by 3pm on the Friday before event day in order to receive a credit.**
All cancellation notices should be sent to event@oaklandfirstfridays.org. PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept phone calls or emails the day of the event and will return your phone call or email the following week.

Late Arrival/No Show Policy:
IF YOU DO NOT ARRIVE BY 4:15PM, YOU ARE CONSIDERED A NO SHOW AND WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF VENDOR FEES. Understand that if you are not going to be in the footprint BEFORE 4:15pm you must contact event@oaklandfirstfridays.org.
Absolutely No Belligerent, Discriminatory or Harassing Behavior Permitted
Professional conduct must be maintained at all times. All festival participants must respect each other, their colleagues and festival staff. It is imperative to follow the directions of our security officers, Oakland Police, and Oakland First Fridays staff. Failure to comply with instructions from OPD, security officers or festival staff may result in a 3-month ban from participating in the event. It is up to all of us to keep the event safe and inclusive for everyone. Any kind of belligerent or discriminatory behavior, harassment, or acts of hostility towards our staff, the volunteers, other vendors or event goers will not be tolerated.


Respect The Fire Lane:
The fire lane runs down the center of the event on Telegraph Avenue. Retail Booths: Please set up your booth against the curb, and keep the middle of the street clear. You are not allowed to use more space than you have reserved. You cannot set up more than 10 feet into the street from the curb. Violators are subject to citation by event staff as well as the Oakland Fire Department.

**Food Booths are provided at the rear of their booth as a cooking and prep area. There is no cooking or open flames allowed under the vendor booth.**

Event Set-Up:
The event footprint closes at 2:00 PM, to allow staff to remove any unauthorized vehicles. Vendors will be allowed in at 3pm for setup.
Vendors loading in with vehicles should drive into the street closure to unload through the side street entrance (26th St, Broadway Side). All private vehicles must be out of the event footprint by 4:30 or are subject to citation.

Shut Down Time: 9:00 PM
The event officially closes promptly at 9:00 PM. This means your service windows are closed and no products are delivered to your customers. After 9:00 PM you are welcome to walk your items to your vehicles as an alternative to driving your vehicle onto the footprint. The goal is to safely reopen Telegraph Avenue no later than 10:00 PM under the direction and supervision of OPD.

Adhere To “No Parking” Areas:
Vendors who park in no parking areas may receive a citation from the City and risk the possibility of their car being towed.

Event Schedule:
2pm - Streets close
3pm -  Registration table opens, Located at the KONO office: 2633 Telegraph Ave
3pm-4:30pm - Vendor set up and load in
4:30pm -  All vehicles must exit the festival footprint
5:00pm -  Festival begins
8:45pm -  15-minute warning, have customers finalize their purchases 9:00pm -  Festival Closes - all sales must end
10:00pm - If Safe - Vendors can bring vehicles into the footprint to remove items only when approved to do so
11:00pm - If Safe - Telegraph Ave is reopened

9:00PM Shutdown Penalty:
The event ends at 9:00pm and no sales of any kind are permitted. This is a strict condition of our permit for the festival. Violators are subject to citation and may be banned from future participation. OPD and Oakland First Fridays staffers will document and, when necessary, photograph instances where vendors are selling past 9:00pm.

Due to safety risks, you are restricted from moving, opening AND/OR driving through the barricades for any side street or exit before given the OK from OPD, Oakland First Fridays staff or security staff. It is dangerous for you to directly or indirectly instruct someone to do so. Do not risk event-goer safety or your ability to participate in the future events by moving or opening the barricades. Oakland First Fridays Staff and OPD will be monitoring the crowds to determine when it is safe to allow vehicles in the footprint. At the appropriate time, a uniformed OPD officer, security guard or an Oakland First Fridays staffer will remove the side streets barricades for entry and exit.  The goal is to open the side streets as quickly as possible. In order to make that happen you must be shut down at 9:00pm.

Bannings and Citations:
OPD will issue citations to any vendor who violates our codes of conduct or rules. Any belligerent, hostile conduct with OPD, staff or pedestrians will lead to citations or being banned from the event. Additionally, any breaking through the barricades before advised to do so will lead to citation or being banned from the event. We have issued citations and banned vendors in the past for failure to comply with the Oakland First Fridays codes of conduct or rules. We will continue to issue any citations or ban participants in order to keep the event friendly and safe.

Recyclables And Trash Are Your Responsibility:
In order to keep the event green and comply with City of Oakland ordinances on recycling vendors will need to activate the following orders.Styrofoam containers are prohibited from use in the City of Oakland, both white and black containers, and are not permissible in the festival.Food Vendors are instructed to run their separation process of compost, plastics and trash at their food trucks and food boothsAll recycled materials must be brought to the recycle team located at Sycamore and Telegraph, by the Dumpster - prior to leaving the event. DO NOT leave trash or recyclables in the roadway or sidewalk. Prior to leaving the event vendors are required to break down their cardboard boxes and deliver to the cardboard recyclable team located at Sycamore and Telegraph, by the dumpster. Do Not leave cardboard boxes in the roadway or sidewalk.All waste, drinking water, grease, open flame wood and coals, and other items must be removed by each individual vendor.

Additional Questions?
Contact: event@oaklandfirstfridays.org
Last Revised: September 5th, 2023

Oakland First Fridays is a program of the KONO Community Benefit District, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Oakland, CA.

Office Location: 2633 Telegraph Ave Suite 109, Oakland, CA 94612

Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 9:30am-3:30pm
Office Phone:
(510) 361-0615

EVENT DAY: We do not check phone calls and emails on the day of the event.

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